The new CLK from Tenderfoot Electronics is the clock module you've been waiting for!
Included in its small size is an internal master clock that can run from 1bpm to over 1kHz, whilst providing 8 divisions ranging from/1 to /64.
CLK can also act as a traditional clock divider if you feed it an external clock source or oscillator input. With its ability to reach into audio rates, you can also use it to create square or pulse-wave subharmonics of a VCO!
The menu, accessible through the encoder dial, allows you to choose:
*Max divisions of 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 or 1/64
*Up-beat or down-beat counting
*Square (50% duty cycle) or pulse (10ms) output
*Random trigger outputs based on probabilities from 100% down to 2.5% distributed between the
various divider outputs.
All without having to change jumper positions on the back!
Depth: 33mm
Current Draw
+12V: 68 mA
+5V: 0mA
-12V: 0mA