QQ2 Now Available! Finally the Quad Quantizer is back and better than ever!

After 2 years of chip shortages and other supply chain issues, the quad quantizer is finally back and better than ever!

All of the old features that made it so popular are still here, but now there's so much more to help you dial in your scales and melodies:

The OLED Screen gives you access to a quick and easy-to-use interface for the use over 40 pre-programmed scales, and 4 different types of modulation, all of which are assignable to the 4 quantizer channels individually. Channels can also be linked to the same scale and mod inputs for quick editing of multiple streams of quantization simultaneously.

The Illuminated tactile buttons allow you to add and remove notes on the fly in an instant, or program in your own scales altogether!

4 new assignable modulation parameters:

Octave - allows you to shift up and down octaves using the assignable Mod dials, or the associated CV inputs.

Transpose Pre-quantization - allows you to transpose the incoming CV inputs before the quantization process, which helps to create scale inversions and variety within your melodies.

Transpose Post-quantization - this gives you the ability to change the key of your scale in semi-tone steps.

Scale Assignment - with this set as one of your mod inputs, you can switch any of the quantizer channels between any of the 4 currently active scales, opening up a vast array of options for melodic progression and patch variation.

In addition to all of the above improvements, the QQ2 now runs much faster than the previous version, with very little slew from the CV outputs, with on average no more than 1ms between the CV input and the processed CV output being presented.  

Finally, future firmware updates can now be sent to the QQ2 over your wifi network without the need to remove the module from your case, or for digging around in a box for a USB cable!


Read the manual here!


Check out the product page for more details and to get hold of one for yourself!
